Assess for success

Real-time data in no time at all

With over 2,500 customizable pre-loaded tests and the ability to create your own, ESGI assessments offer the perfect solution for collecting real-time data across all content areas.


Monitor student growth across content areas

Three test types


Multiple questions that can be administered with the student and teacher looking at the same screen or linking two devices. The student answers the question on the screen, the teacher listens to the answer, then marks the Yes or No buttons on the bottom of the screen.

Single Score

Each question has multiple points. The teacher observes a child and assigns them a score based on their answer.


Assessments for any subject that can be used for observational data, project-based learning, or performance tasks. Our rubric template contains criteria, descriptors, and a scale to match any curriculum.

Test two ways with ESGI

Teachers can evaluate skills through one-on-one assessment or direct students to self-assess. Use our introductory series of tests, choose a student, then select which way to test based on their individual skill set.


One-on-one assessing uses the teacher’s computer with the student looking at the screen or linking two devices. Teachers can enter notes for later reflection while testing. One-on-one assessments are teacher-led to limit distractions, observe student responses in real time, and gain valuable insights into student processing.


Self-assessing takes place on individual devices in the classroom or in a lab setting where the entire class progresses through the assigned assessments at their own rate. Self-assessments foster independence, facilitate the use of technology in the classroom, and determine skill independence levels.

Browse assessments created by Friends of ESGI

Explore custom tests from Friends of ESGI! Many of the custom assessments that you’ve been asking for are now available in digital format at no extra cost with your ESGI subscription!

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